Sunday, March 1, 2009

Using Films to Teach

I just watched the film, "Crash", & I thought films are actually great tools for teachers to inculcate certain things to students. Films provide the visual imageries for students to see and probably even experience theories/concepts which verbal aspects may lack. Note how some viewers actually cry when watching films with depressing contents. It says a lot about how films affect people, doesn't it?

In this case, "Crash" is seen as a film that is apt for inculcating the issue on Racism, something which doesn't seem to bemuch of an issue here on the surface, but still pretty much an issue underneath it all. Anyway, without having the teacher to say much about it, the message of how racism can be fatal is highly likely to be imprinted in the minds of the students after they have watched this film. This is how multiliteracy comes into play in our present classrooms.


  1. hi Alen,

    I couldn't agree better on how the movie Crash is capable of raising students' awareness on the issue of 'racism' without having the teacher to say much about it because of the highly visual impact it will have on viewers (students). However, the role of the teacher would still be essential to deliver the critical competence of the movie so that students will not misinterpret the perpetuated issues.

  2. Hey guys,

    I think this is a good opportunity to have a discussion with the students as Singapore is a mulitracial country and such issues are convieniently ignored as it is regarded as something "sensitive".

